My study of the prayer life of Jesus has been going on for a couple of decades. In understanding his secret life of prayer, I hope to follow in some small measure in His footsteps and discover the intimacy that He had with His Father. What better place to make this journey than by a study of the account of Jesus’ life written by Luke. A trusted historian and investigator who interviewed the many witnesses of Jesus’ life first-hand. Luke makes the prayer life of Jesus a special interest. He refers to 3 occasions when Jesus prayed which are not recorded in any of the other Gospels, – the baptism of Jesus, the confession of Peter and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Below are the key references to prayer which I will cover in my survey in Luke.

  1. Prayer that opens heaven: the BAPTISM of Jesus (3:21-22)
  2. Withdrawal Prayer (5:16)
  3. All night Prayer: Jesus chooses 12 apostles (6:12-16)
  4. Prayer and REVELATION: Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi (9:18-22)
  5. Prayer and TRANSFIGURATION (9:28-36)
  6. Prayer for Christian Workers (10:2)
  7. Jesus teaches about Prayer (11:1-13; and 18:1-14)
  8. Prayer as Lament: Jesus weeps over Jerusalem (13:34-35)
  9. Jesus’ Pastoral Prayer for Peter (22:31-32)
  10. Jesus’ praying in GETHSEMANE (Lk.22:39-46; Matt.26:36-46; Mk.14:32-42)
  11. Prayer prepares for PENTECOST (Lk.24:49; see also Acts 1:8, 14)

This is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who will give time to learn from the Master of Prayer.