I have just completed 6 talks on New Life Radio on the book of Job which means that I got to read and study Job for at least 6 weeks and the impact of the book means that I see it with newly opened eyes. I’ll let you into a secret – I have found Job a book I naturally put to the top shelf of my bookcase. I think I know why and that is that this book demands my full attention as I seek to grasp its meaning, whereas the narrative books of the Bible give me opportunity to run instead of crawl.

There is no other book like Job in the Bible – it is a unique genre - a form of literature/poetry different to anything inside or outside the Bible.

The book may be the earliest written book in the Bible and contains Hebrew words found nowhere else in Scripture.

Job may have been around at the time of Abraham or earlier. He certainly knows nothing of Moses or the Mosaic institutions of sacrifice and priesthood.

The knowledge of God shown in this book is its outstanding feature – His omnipotence and omniscience in the context of His created world – the natural world which includes the animals, birds, fish, humankind, time and space. But also, the rich understanding of God’s character qualities – God is present, listening to every syllable and word spoken and then He speaks.

Job contains the longest speech by God in the Bible and during His talking to Job we geta unique insight into God’s thinking about the animals, birds and fish He has created but what is fascinating is His conversation with job about it all. God has humour and invites Job to laugh with Him (Just what Job needed!).

There are 6 talks on New Life Radio on the book of Job which concludes on the 3rd. August at 4.00pm.

The series of talks on the Bible are entitled – "Back to Basics" and the objective is to go through every book in the Bible, each book accompanied by notes which can be accessed from NLR website or my own website


Derrick Harrison.