This article is the outcome of preaching in several churches and writing what the Lord has been showing me on the theology of God’s invisibility!

I was captivated by the actuality of God’s eternal invisibility (invisibility is a characteristic or attribute of a Spirit) and how He has handled that in terms of communicating with us.

To put this in its proper context, we should first consider God Himself. The teaching of Scripture regarding God must be the foundation of all Bible teaching – not first the cross but the conception of Jesus, but we must go to the foundation of all things, all truth, - which is GOD. This is why teaching/preaching must be founded on the biblical teaching about the unity of God – there is one God who is triune. There are three persons in God – Father Son and Holy Spirit. Father and Holy Spirit are eternally invisible but there was a crucial time in the eternal counsels of God when He took to Himself our humanity and became fully human and thus, He became visible. We proclaim the truth of the eternal Son’s human nature and body. Thus, Jesus revealed to us the nature and the will of our invisible Father.

I was also captivated by how God overcame the problem of invisibility in the OT and then I looked at 3 specific occasions in the NT where invisible actions, which cannot be seen with the eye are shown to take place by means of sound (wind, breath), vision and physical movement.

  • the baptism of Jesus when the movement of the invisible Spirit is made known to John the Baptist by the dove descending on Jesus
  • when Jesus breathed out the Spirit on His disciples, just before Jesus returned to heaven when He breathed out (exhaled) the Holy Spirit on His breath and asked them to receive (inhale). These were physical actions which showed t them clearly the invisible movement of the Holy Spirit.
  • The third occasion took place at Pentecost, where we identify the sound of the wind and where it originates, the tongues of fire on each of the heads of the disciples and the different languages the disciples spoke by the action of the Holy Spirit in using their tongues.

These three occasions show to us in a powerful way the movements and actions of the invisible Holy Spirit.

There are also 2 messages on New Life Radio.


Derrick Harrison.